5 Natural Ways To Bust Your Belly Fat

The older that we get, the more that our bodies change and for many of us, things might start going in entirely the wrong direction. While childhood was all about eating whatever we wanted and looking great, adulthood is filled with a number of health pitfalls and changes and now, eating healthily and exercising sufficiently is the best way in which to keep your body looking good. If you’re struggling with excess belly fat, though, shifting the last few pounds can be something of a challenge and when it comes to toning up, it pays to make a little extra effort. Want to bust your belly fat? This might be the regime for you.

  1. Cardiovascular Exercise
(source: pexels.com)

(source: pexels.com)

While weight training and toning exercises are great for helping your muscles to develop, there are few things as effective as cardio for your belly fat. The more that you can sweat while you work out, the better it is for your health and by burning calories while you move around, you can help to shift weight that has gathered around your middle. Rigorous exercise like running, cycling or swimming can really help to get your body moving and your blood pumping and by turning up the heat, you can see that fat begin to melt away.

  1. Abdominal Workouts
(source: prevention.com)

(source: prevention.com)

Of course, there’s more to perfect abs than just going for a run and if you want to really tone up your stomach, then targeted exercises are the way to go. When it comes to belly fat, stomach crunches are one of the most effective methods in which to beat the bulge. If you’re just starting out, try doing 5-10 crunches each morning, increasing them as you build up resistance. As you become stronger, you can try adding in exercises like the plank and oblique stretches to help strengthen your entire core.

  1. Reduce Sugar Intake
(source: healthchild.net)

(source: healthchild.net)

The more sugars that you consume in your diet, the higher your insulin levels will become and when this happens, your levels of the hormone glucagon begin to decline. Playing an active role in the regulation of glucose and fats in the body, glucagon can lead to a flatter stomach down the line. The higher the level of the hormone you have in your body, the more toned your tummy will look!

  1. Eat Early
(source: pexels.com)

(source: pexels.com)

The later that you eat in the day, the worse off you might feel. When you eat late, you increase your susceptibility to indigestion, heartburn and insomnia, slowing your metabolic rate and causing the fat to gather around your middle. Scheduling your dinner for at least three hours before you go to sleep can help to regulate the speed at which you burn food, leaving you feeling sufficiently tired and relaxed when you do you to bed.

  1. Low Fat Diet
(source: sciencealert.com)

(source: sciencealert.com)

Of course, following the above steps are all well and good but if you don’t combine them with a low fat diet, then you might find that they are remarkably less effective. Low fat diets naturally cut down the excess weight that might gather around your body, helping you to maintain a better figure over time. Eating lots of leafy green vegetables, low fat proteins and high fiber foods can help to cut down on surplus fat and leave you feeling much healthier for it. The better that you feel on the inside, the better you will look on the outside!