3 Life Lessons for New Graduates

Graduating university or college can both be one of the most exciting times of your life, and also one of the scariest. The world is now your oyster and for the first time in your life, you are truly free to expand your horizons and do whatever you want. As this can be a confusing and tough time for some, here are three lessons to consider as a new graduate.

1. Travel

(source: http://terraceatkuta.com/)

(source: http://terraceatkuta.com/)

If you are interested in traveling and seeing the world, there is no better time you could choose than in your early 20’s right after graduating college. While I understand that finances could be a problem around this time, if you can make it work, I highly recommend it. The reason this time is the best is because not only are you still able bodied and likely healthy, but you likely have no things tying you down to a certain area such as a career, a family or a home.

2. Life is a Process

(source: karipenner.com)

(source: karipenner.com)

As soon as you graduate university, some people believe that the hardest part of their lives are now done, but that is rarely true. Finding a career, buying a home, starting a family and much more can be extremely daunting and time consuming things. You can’t expect to go from being a college graduate to a married full time employee with a house, which takes time and money. You can’t expect things to happen instantly as they used to, adulthood is a process and involves adjustments and compromises from time to time.

3. Swallow Your Pride

(source: usadultliteracy.wordpress.com/)

(source: usadultliteracy.wordpress.com/)

This one can be somewhat difficult to some people. If you were extremely successful throughout college (and high school for that matter) in terms of a social life, grades, internships and more, going from the top of the “food chain” to near the bottom at a new company can be difficult for some people to comprehend. Also, sometimes certain college students (not all of course), tend to have a fairly big ego and a certain sense of entitlement. This can often lead them to not take direction well or understand what it’s like to not be at the top. As a new graduate and new worker looking for a career, you need to be able to swallow your pride and put the work in.