Blast From The Past: The Vintage Life Hacks You Need To Know

You might think that your ancestors had a hard life. With no technology, little electricity and few modern luxuries to speak of, generations of 100 years ago led lives that are practically unrecognizable when compared to how we live today. And yet, by using what was available to them at the time, past generations managed to hack their way to success, using household items to extraordinary means. Want to find a foolproof way to get out of some of your everyday situations? These vintage life hacks will see you right. Prepare to get shown the way by a blast from the past.

  1. Getting Rid Of Splinters


Splinters are a part of life, even with the modified, smoother surfaces that we’re used to encountering. If you’ve got one that just won’t budge, it can be incredibly painful and over time, things can only get worse. There is any easy way out, however, and all that it involves is a glass bottle. Taking a small glass or bottle, fill it with hot water that is still bearable to the touch. Next, place the affected area above the mouth of the glass and press it tightly against it. The suction of the bottle will draw down your skin and the gentle steam from the water will pull out the splinter. Easy!

  1. Treating A Sprain


When you’re working out, you can run into any number of problems and strains and pulls are perhaps some of the most inhibiting. If you want to get back on your feet fast and are looking for a natural way to treat your injury, this is the method you need to use. Elevate the area of your body you’ve strained and wrap it in cold, damp cloths. Keep one end of the cloth in a jug of water to ensure it doesn’t dry out and rub the affected area with oil. Doing this until the sprain heals can help to speed up your recovery time and help to ease any inflammation.

  1. Boiling Potatoes


Whipping up a gourmet feast? There’s a hack for that. If you want to make your potatoes lighter and fluffier, try adding in a pinch of salt and sugar while the pot is cooking. When the vegetables are cooked to your liking, drain away the water and return them back into the hot pot. Shake the pan with the potatoes inside for a few minutes before serving to ensure they are dry and fluffy. What could be more simple?

  1. Fitting A Cork In A Bottle


Keeping a cork to hand to close any bottles you might have lying around is a very good idea but finding one to actually fit is a whole other question. Rather than trying to shave down your cork with a knife, try using your shoes to improve the situation. Roll your cork under the sole of your foot, keeping the same pressure over the surface. Your cork will be smaller and the surface will be as smooth as always!

  1. Keeping Wine Cool


Having a freezer full of ice to hand is not always possible, so what do you do when you want to keep your wine bottles really cool? If you’re lacking a cooling system, water can be one of the best methods to use. Simply wrap your bottle in a cloth, place it in a bucket and leave it to fill beneath a cold water tap. After about 10 minutes of running water, your bottle will be cooler and you will be able to serve your bottle!