6 Ways To Make Better Life Decisions

When it comes to decision making, are you right every time, or do you spend every waking moment umming and ahhing over whether or not you’ve chosen to do the right thing? The decisions that you make in life can shape you for the future and ensuring that you make your way down the right path for you can often feel like a very big deal. If you’re struggling with multiple choices, knowing whether or not you’ve made the right decision can be a real challenge and over time, you might question whether you did the right thing. Don’t fret. Every path that you take will ultimately lead you to where you should be going but if you want to ensure that your journey runs more smoothly, there are a number of steps that you can take. Decisions might not always be easy but after following this advice, they might just become a little more clear.

  1. Try Not To Be Emotional
(source: clientattraction.com)

(source: clientattraction.com)

Emotions are a great thing to have. They can help to enrich your daily life, strengthen your closest relationships and allow you to feel a great deal stronger about yourself. When it comes to making decisions, however, emotions can often blur your judgment and if you let them get in the way too much, you can only end up feeling more confused about the whole process. If you find your emotions getting the better of you in the face of a major decision, try talking them through before you come to a concrete decision. The calmer and more collected you are when it comes to making your choice, the better you will feel about it in the end.

  1. Explore Your Weaker Side
(source: tweakyourbiz.com)

(source: tweakyourbiz.com)

You might often be afraid to really explore your weaker side for the fear that doing so will expose something fundamentally wrong about yourself. However, taking a long, hard look at what really makes you feel vulnerable can be a great way of getting to the root of an issue, making solving the puzzle a whole lot more simple. Your weaknesses are things that can make you stronger and more secure and recognizing what they are and how they work can pay off big time when you’re making a decision. Don’t feel afraid to really expose yourself.

  1. Learn From Your Mistakes
(source: quickbase.intuit.com)

(source: quickbase.intuit.com)

In life, making a mistake is inevitable; the important thing is not how often you make errors but rather, how you bounce back from them. The mistakes that you made in the past can help you to change your habits in the present and take a different route. If one method didn’t work before, you can change your approach and trying something new. Following old patterns will only land you in the same spot but using what you have learned from before can really stand you in good stead for the future.

  1. Weigh Up Your Options
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(source: lam-inc.com)

While it might be tempting to do so, diving head first into a final decision can harm your chances of success and if you really want to do the right thing, it’s worth thinking about all of your options. If you’re not sure which path to take, try making a list of pros and cons attached to both directions, outlining what you think your future would look like if you chose either choice. While you should take both lists of pros and cons into account, you should also listen to your gut; whatever feels right to you will work.

  1. Turn Your Obstacles Into Opportunities
(source: mariashriver.com)

(source: mariashriver.com)

New paths rarely run smoothly and along the way, you’re likely to meet with some resistance that might test your judgment. Tackling the obstacles you face in your decision making might seem hard in the moment but doing so will only make you feel stronger in the future. The trials that you face today make the ones you will meet tomorrow seem that much more manageable so even if this specific decision feels hard to make, others will come easier in time.

  1. Make Sure You’re Comfortable
(source: blog.healthalliance.org)

(source: blog.healthalliance.org)

Making a decision is never really an individual process and along the way, you might ask for advice from your family and friends. When it comes to your loved ones, however, it’s difficult to take their input into account in a rational way and often, you might feel pressured into taking a specific path just because someone you love and respect thinks it’s the best thing. Your decisions should come from you alone and before you go ahead with something, you need to consider how comfortable it makes you feel. If you don’t feel at ease in your choice, then it’s not the right one for you.