5 Ways To Wake Up Without Coffee

When you wake up in the morning, what’s the first thing that you do? Do you hop in the shower, read a newspaper or, like so many others out there, reach for the bag of coffee?  A strong caffeinated drink has for so long been the breakfast beverage of choice but now, with health food on the rise, many are trying to cut back on their morning habit. Cutting coffee from your life is all well and good but when you’re trying to wake up in the morning, how can you get around the situation? Never fear; if coffee’s off the agenda, there are a whole load of other options at your disposal which can leave you feeling just as energized. Try any one of these once and you might see your morning cup in an entirely different light.

  1. Find The Light
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(source: pexels.com)

Melatonin is something that your body produces when it’s dark, helping your brain to switch off, easing you into a healthy sleep. The only trouble is, when it’s still dark and we need to get out of bed, actually doing so can be an incredibly difficult task. It all comes down to light. Opening your blinds in the morning or using a light-based alarm clock can help your brain to wake up more rapidly and will leave you feeling brighter and fresher.

  1. Take A Cold Shower
(source: today.com)

(source: today.com)

While stepping into a cold shower hardly sounds like a great way to start the day, ending your morning bathe with a brief stint under the cold tap can actually do a lot more good than you might have thought. Studies have even shown that exposing your body to cold water can help to activate parts of the brain associated with feelings of wakefulness, helping to feel more alert. It might not be nice at the time, but taking a cold shower might just put the spring in your step that you were searching for.

  1. Eat A Healthy Breakfast
(source: breakfastcriminals.com)

(source: breakfastcriminals.com)

Mornings don’t always have to be about coffee and in fact, by eating a healthy breakfast, you can enjoy a feeling of alertness that might be more powerful than your cup of joe. We’re more likely to feel more alert after consuming a meal first thing in the morning. Meals high in fibers and carbohydrates are more likely to wake us up, so make sure you pick a healthy option.

  1. Be Physically Active
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(source: pexels.com)

Exercising first thing in the morning can be one of the most effective ways in which to boost your brain and body power, studies have found. Physical activity increases the blood flow through your body, in turn increasing levels of brain activity, leading to better concentration. Working out first thing also means that your daily exercise is already out of the way, giving you the chance to focus on other things!

  1. Turn Up The Music
(source: pexels.com)

(source: pexels.com)

Music is one of the best ways that we can improve our mood, feel more productive and generally have more energy. Starting your day with a tailor made playlist can help to activate areas of the brain associated with more movement and emotion, helping you to feel more energized. What’s more, your blood pressure is more likely to rise when you listen to music, increasing the flow of oxygenated blood and helping you to feel more alert